Hypnosis for Pain Management in Arthritis
I treat many clients for pain management hypnosis who have arthritis. I have noticed a pattern of physical abuse and repressed anger in these patients.
Today, there was a study released regarding findings of a link between physical abuse and arthritis.
I have found a connection between physical abuse and arthritis in my clients I see for pain hypnosis, Here is a study regarding such:
Childhood Physical Abuse Linked To Arthritis, Study Finds
From the November issue of the journal Arthritis Care & Research.
University of Toronto researchers investigated the relationship between self-reported childhood physical abuse and a diagnosis of osteoarthritis (OA). After analyzing representative data from the 2005 Canadian Community Health Survey, the researchers determined a significant association between childhood physical abuse and osteoarthritis in adulthood.
"We found that 10.2 per cent of those with osteoarthritis reported they had been physically abused as children in comparison to 6.5 per cent of those without osteoarthritis," says lead author Esme Fuller-Thomson of U of T's Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work and Department of Family and Community Medicine. "This study provides further support for the need to investigate the possible role that childhood abuse plays in the development of chronic illness."
Co-author Sarah Brennenstuhl, stated that, "We were surprised that the significant association between childhood physical abuse and osteoarthritis persisted even after controlling for major potentially confounding factors such as obesity, physical activity levels as well as age, gender, income and race."
According to Fuller-Thomson, one important avenue for future research is to investigate the pathways through which arthritis may develop as a consequence of childhood physical abuse.
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