Hypnosis for Sick Children Gains Popularity
A doctor, Graham Wicks, in Australia spoke today at the Annual Conference of the Renal Society ofAustralia.
He spoke about the use of hypnosis on young renal patients who can develop a needle phobia becauses they have to have needle punctures so frequently for dialysis. Sometimes a child is there with a needle in their arm for three to four hours, at least three times a week with a large bore needle lodged into their artery.
Dr. Wick uses hypnosis for more than just overcoming pain. He uses hypnosis for the time distortion effect that hypnosis has.
We as medical hypnotists, have known that hypnosis has wonderful uses in the medical world. We have always known about the phenomina of time distortion. Hypnosis can be used to help children learn to self medicate themselves which leads to a feeling of control. No longer must a child be held down to accept needles or blood tests.