A Sense of Top and a Bottom Needed for Healthy Cells
From ScienceDaily.com:
"In the July 31 issue of the " Journal of Cell Biology", researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago have found that a molecular motor helps a cell determine which way is up. The sense of top and bottom is often lost in cells that become cancerous and may be an important factor in metastasis.
Cells depend on the location of a number of proteins and lipids to recognize and maintain their polarity. Moving these lipids and proteins from where they are produced to where they are needed is a dynamic process that perhaps we as hypnotherapists can help when designing our creative visualizations.
Dr. Athar Chishti,wanted to understand how the lipid "PIP3" was sent to where it was needed at the growing tips of the cells. It was determined that a molecular motor protein called a kinesin that they had discovered interacted with PIP3 binding protein. They showed that the kinesin and this binding protein motored the PIP3 along microtubules -- the tracks upon which the kinesins move their cargoes.
They also showed that the kinesin-binding adaptor and PIP3 were found together at the tips of the nerve cells It was found that when the adaptor binds PIP3, it is delivered to the membrane where it is needed, and if you block this process, polarity is lost.
In some cells, like neurons, there are dramatic differences in the structure and function of the different ends of a cell. Loss of cell polarity is often the first step in converting a normal cell to a cancer cell, Chishti said."
This is something I feel we can use to help our cancer patients. Let's help them to turn the motor on and deliver. Let's help them to find the top and find the bottom.