Hypnosis and Interstitial Cystitis
I am starting a study of hypnosis and interstitial cystitis.
Interstitial Cystitis is a chronic, painful condition of the bladder. Although there is no cure, many treatment options are available to help alleviate the symptoms of IC. These symptoms, which may vary from patient to patient, include frequency and/or urgency of urination and pain in the bladder or the pelvic region. Although the symptoms of IC often mimic those of an acute bladder infection, IC is not caused by bacteria and does not respond to antibiotics.
IC affects over 1 million people in the United States and is as common as Parkinson's disease or type 1 diabetes. Some IC patients may have other medical conditions that are thought to be related to IC, such as allergies, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), migraine, and fibromyalgia. The treatments for IC include oral medications, medications instilled into the bladder, and pain management.
I offer hypnosis sessions both in person and on the telephone. Please feel free to email me at sethdeborah@hypnotherapyforhealth.com or call at 510-690-0699.