Dear Readers,
Yesterday I attended a school board meeting at my daughters school. I needed to talk to the principal after the meeting but he was in so much pain with a headache that he felt as if he could not concentrate.
I told him I could get rid of his headache in three minutes. I proceeded to do some EFT tapping ( he was so uncomfortable he was willing to try anything) and voila... after the first round his headache was GONE. It was not even two minutes!!!! He was so wonderfully surprised and grateful!
For those of you not familiar with EFT, I recommend going to the site which is http://www.emofree.com . It is a wonderful tool that was developed by a Stanford engineer named Gary Craig. I teach it to EVERY client that I have whether for pain control, relaxation, anger, smoking or just about anything that you can grade on a scale of 1 to 10. I tell everyone "It is a tool for life".