Hypnosis Really Does Work with Medical Issues
I just wanted to share a email I recieved today. It is so wonderful to know that you have helped someone.
Thank You ! Thank you ! Thank You !
Mon, 16 May 2005 11:31:45 -0700
Dear Seth-Deborah Roth:
I just wanted to say THANK YOU and let you know you have a solid hypnotherapy supporter in me! After experiencing debilitating nausea and vomiting almost every single morning for five years, you cannot imagine my surprise and relief at the immediate change - I knew it was stress-related, but had no idea that I could control my reaction so easily and quickly with hypnotherapy.
I had suffered cascading stressful events, parental deaths, only sibling's cancer, business and residence changes; the stress and diabetes worsened my gastric paresis to the point of my taking Ativan and Metaclopramide just to be able to get out of bed. My gastroenterologist and diabetologist tortured me to no end, and recommended that when the situation became intolerable to me that I get a electric-stimulation device surgically implanted. After attempting a variety of less-drastic, less-invasive treatments, a friend recommended me to both hypnotherapy (mind over matter, she said) and to you because of both your medically-based background and your straightforward approach. I owe her a debt of gratitude as well.
Saw you Wednesday, started working two days later, no vomiting, no nausea in the mornings! Can't believe the difference, and have already convinced a friend (a very addicted smoker) to use it, and he's been successful, too! I'm the new poster child for hypnotherapy, and my MD won't even discuss it with me, which means I'm now shopping for a new MD. Thank you so much for your help, I can't believe it was so simple!