Hypnosis Tested in a Nurse MidWifery Program
Investigators from Marquette University’s Nurse-Midwifery Program in Milwaukee examined the physiological and psychological effects of hypnosis on healthy women.
A sample of 30 healthy, female volunteers, not pregnant, predominantly White and college students listened to a 30-minute recording of relaxing, affirming hypnotic suggestions while sitting comfortably in a recliner.
Hypnotizability and trait anxiety were measured at baseline. Tension-anxiety was measured at baseline and following the hypnotic induction. Heart rate, respiratory rate, and heart rate variability were collected before, during, and following the hypnosis.
Paired t tests revealed significantly reduced heart rate (p<.001), respiratory rate (p<.001), low-to-high frequency heart rate variability ratio (p<.001), and tension-anxiety (p<.001), whereas high frequency heart rate variability was increased (p<.001) after the 30-minute hypnotic session.
The researchers conclude that hypnosis is an innovative, low-technology, self-modulating approach that may well contribute to stress reduction and health promotion. Parameters demonstrated increased parasympathetic nervous system activity associated with relaxation during and immediately after the hypnosis experience.
Findings from this study suggest that nurses can include hypnosis information when advising healthy women about available stress reduction approaches, as well as tailor their nursing care for women using this approach.
Citation: VandeVusse L, Hanson L, Berner MA, White Winters JM. Impact of self-hypnosis in women on selectphysiologic and psychological parameters. Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological andNeonatal Nursing. 2010 Mar;39 (2): pp. 159-68. leona.vandevusse@mu.edu