Study on Guided Imagery & Burns (WE CALL IT HYPNOSIS)
Here is some information on a recent study about the use of Guided Imagery for burn patients and its positive results. We call it HYPNOSIS. We know how powerful our mind is and that we are just learning to tap into this strength. There is evidence out there that athletes using Imagery while weight lifting will have better results on the side they used imagery with.
Researchers from the Université de Lyon in Villeurbanne Cedex, France, studied whether guided imagery could improve motor performance in the rehabilitation of burn patients.
This study looked at the effects of a 2-week Motor Imagery training program, combined with conventional rehabilitation, on the recovery of motor functions in patients specifically with hand burns.
Fourteen patients at the Medical Burn Center took part in the study and were randomly assigned to either the guided imagery or the control group. Behavioral data related to the ability to perform each successive step of three manual motor sequences were collected at five intervals.
The results showed evidence that Motor Imagery training may facilitate motor recovery, and noted that the belief in the effectiveness of Motor Imagery was strong in all patients. Motor Imagery may substantially contribute to improve the efficacy of conventional rehabilitation programs. Therefore, this technique should be considered as a reliable alternative method to help burn patients to recover motor functions.
Citation: Guillot A, Lebon F, Vernay M, Girbon JP, Doyon J, Collet C. Effect of motor imagery in the rehabilitation of burn patients. Journal of Burn Care Research. 2009 Jul-Aug; 30 (4): pages 686-93.
Labels: guided imagery, hypnosis, seth-deborah roth, training
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