Can We Use Hypnosis to Help With The Formation of Blood
To speed healing at sites of injury - such as heart muscle after a heart attack or brain tissue after a stroke - doctors would like to be able to hasten the formation of new blood vessels. One promising approach is to "mobilize" patients' blood vessel-forming cells, called angiogenic cells, so these cells can reach the injured area.
Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis demonstrated that a drug called AMD3100 can mobilize angiogenic cells from bone marrow of human patients in a matter of hours instead of days. Angiogenic cells reside mainly in the bone marrow. When they are mobilized they can circulate in the bloodstream, They go to sites of injury and help repair and regrow blood vessels that bring oxygen and nutrients to tissues.
How about us helping our clients to visualize these angiogenic cells doing there job. I know that I just had emergency surgery last week, late Wednesday night, and my hemoglobin went down to 7.2 (I had lost over 1 1/2 liters of blood, we used to transfuse at 7.6 years ago when I was giving anesthesia) A decision was made not to transfuse me. I spent the day after surgery going into a state of self hypnosis and visualizing my bone marrow in my femor and my humerus being stimulated to put out red blood cells right away. I saw my doctor, Thursday, a week after my surgery. I was feeling much better. Both the doctor and his staff commented on how well I looked in comparison to even just a few days on Monday when they had seen me. Was it the visualization I had done the day after surgery that has allowed me to bounce back from surgery so quickly?