Hypnosis, Blood Pressure and Memory
Let's Use Hypnosis to Help Lower High Blood Pressure.
This Will Help to Lessen Possible Higher Chance of Memory Problems
We know that high blood pressure has been linked to an increased risk for heart attack and stroke, however, did you know that it can also signal an increase in risk for memory problems and thinking problems?
In the journal Neurology, new research shows that even as young as 45, if you have hypertension, you are more likely to experience problems with memory and thinking skills.
Especially, people with high diastolic blood pressure are at greater risk than people with normal readings. That is the bottom number of your blood pressure. For every 10-percent increase in the diastolic reading, the odds of an individual having cognitive problems jumped by 7 percent.
The optimal blood pressure is below 120/80. Hypertension is considered at 140/90 or above.
The researchers felt that preventing or treating high blood pressure could potentially prevent the cognitive impairment.
Lowering your blood pressure with proper diet and exercise, stop smoking, loosing weight, as well as stress management can be helpful and this is where hypnosis fits in.