Hypnosis for Sleep Problems
This is National Sleep Awareness Week so I thought it wise to bring up the subject of how hypnosis can help with sleep issues.
Sleep is a natural state of renewal, processing and regenerative functions. It helps in "rewiring" our neural circuits, moving our memory from short term to long-term as well as forming it so to speak, Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is stimulated and restored, your blood pressure drops and all the cells in your body go through a protein synthesis, and your stress level pattern can be changed. Not only is is know that without proper sleep we are more irritable and more prone to both mental and physical exhaustion but we are also more prone to gaining weight.
Hypnosis can help deal with any hidden issues that are keeping you from sleeping as well as learning to use self-hypnosis to naturally fall asleep. In hypnosis we can install positive suggestions to your subconscious mind that all you to easily and effortlessly fall asleep