Finding Hypnosis
So.....I put my hand on the area where the most pain was. I starting taking slow deep breaths..... I got very relaxed.......and visualized in my imagination cool red blood pushing through the nerve root and taking away all the toxins from the nerve. The coolness soothed the nerve. The color of the blood leaving the nerve root was much darker as the toxins were being taken out of the cell. I imagined the nerve root just as I had seen in medical textbooks. I was shocked when the area under my hand began to rise and fall on its own. I called over my husband ( a physician ) to come look at the area under my hand. I couldn't believe what I was seeing and I needed someone else to see it. Behold!! He saw it too!! My pain was almost gone. I didn't have the slightest idea of what had happened. All I knew was that I was relatively pain free for the first time in almost a year. I did have to give up anesthesia because every time I would start working again lifting and turning patients, carrying oxygen tanks, maintaining airways etc. my back would flare up all over again. I went to the gym and made my back into a human brace. I was free and said no thank you to back surgery. I was told I would never get to more than 80% with the surgery. Well, I was certainly to at least 80% now with whatever I was doing. Then one day I watched a show on Dateline about using hypnosis for childbirth. The bell went off in my head!!