Bedwetting Problem Success
I thought I would share a recent email I received. Ian was 11 years old and still having a bedwetting problem and was not able to go on any sleepovers because of it. It was really starting to affect how he thought of himself. Children have active imaginations and can easily access their visualization skills. I had Ian go into the control room of his mind with his "magic flashlight" and find the area that needed to be fixed. Here is the email that I received from Ian's mom:
"I just wanted to give you an update. Ian has had 11-12 dry nights in the last 2 weeks. Yea!! The string of good nights actually started when we went down to my Dad's house for my step-mom's funeral and I had broken my foot the day before. The alarm and the hypnotherapy together I think was the solution for Ian. He had the alarm on for about 9-10 of the dry nights and the alarm got left at his dad's house so he has had 2 nights dry without the alarm. He feels great!
Thanks you so much."