My 70 year old Client
I had a 70 year old client come into stop smoking about 3 weeks ago.
She came in this past week because she is going to have a "tummy tuck".
She just can't figure out why she has stopped smoking! She is just amazed that she doesn't want to smoke. It was so fullfilling to have helped her reach a desired change she had not been able to accomplish on her own all these many years. How does one explain the transformation of her brain to stop smoking?
Anyway, She wanted a pre-operative session becauses she usually wakes up during the middle of surgeries. Without previous anesthesia records to look at I was unable to figure out if they were done under "conscious sedation", general or local anesthesia. All fear was removed during our session and suggestions of quick healing and easy breathing (among others) were reinforced.
I gave her a CD to listen to for the week prior to her surgery and a CD to listen to during her surgery.