New Research Reveals That Thoughts Affect Genes
From Bruce Lipton's web site:
Groundbreaking scientific studies find that genes can be turned on
and off by environmental signals - including thoughts, feelings and
emotions - from outside the cell.
Cellular biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton, a former medical school
professor and research scientist, was one of the first scientists to
posit such extra-cellular control. Dr. Lipton conducted a series of
experiments that reveal that the cell membrane, the outer layer of a
cell, is the organic equivalent of a computer chip, and the cell’s
equivalent of a brain.
Although this view conflicts with the widely held scientific dogma
that genes control behavior, papers by other researchers have
validated his iconoclastic thinking.
The Quantum Physics of Cellular Biology Dr. Lipton has also been a
pioneer in applying the principles of quantum physics to the field of
cellular biology. While traditional cell biology focuses on the
physical molecules that control biology, Dr. Lipton’s work focuses on
the mechanisms through which energy in the form of our beliefs can
affect our biology, including our genetic code.
Dr. Lipton summarizes such leading edge science and explores its
implications for our lives. Dr. Lipton shows that human beings can
control gene activity and even rewrite their genes through their
Until recently, it was thought that genes were self-actualizing
that genes could ‘turn themselves on and off.’ Such behavior is
required in order for genes to control biology. Though the power of
genes is still emphasized in current biology courses and textbooks, a
radically new understanding has emerged at the leading edge of cell
science. It is now recognized that the environment, and more
specifically, our perception (interpretation)of the environment,
directly controls the activity of our genes. Environment controls
gene activity through a process known as epigenetic control.
During the first six years of life a child unconsciously acquires the
behavioral repertoire needed to become a functional member of society
{or not]. In addition, a child’s subconscious mind also downloads
beliefs relating to self. When a parent tells a young child it is
stupid, undeserving or any other negative trait, this too is
downloaded as a ‘fact’ into the youngster’s subconscious mind. These
acquired beliefs constitute the ‘central voice’ that controls the
fate of the body’s cellular community. While the conscious mind may
hold one’s self in high regard, the more powerful unconscious mind
may simultaneously engage in self-destructive behavior.
How Subconscious and Consciousness Play Together The insidious part
of the autopilot mechanism is that subconscious behaviors are
programmed to engage without the control of, or the observation by,
the conscious self. Since most of our behaviors are under the control
of the subconscious mind, we rarely observe them or much less know
that they are even engaged. While your conscious mind perceives you
are a good driver, the unconscious mind that has its hands on the
wheel most of the time, may be driving you down the road to ruin.
We have been led to believe that by using will power, we can override
the negative programs of our subconscious mind. Unfortunately, to do
that, you really have to emphasize the word ‘power,’ for one must
keep a constant vigil on one’s own behavior. The moment you lapse in
consciousness, the subconscious mind will automatically engage and
play its previously recorded experience-based programs.
The Subconscious Mind is Really a Tape Player There is no observing
entity in the subconscious mind reviewing the behavioral tapes.
Consequently, there is no discernment as to whether a subconscious
behavioral program is good or bad
they are just tapes. The subconscious is strictly a playback machine,
perceived stimuli engage preprogrammed behaviors. In fact, people
upon seeing their own subconscious programs play out frequently say
something like, “That guy just pushed my buttons!”
In contrast to the power of the conscious mind, the subconscious mind
is a million times more powerful an information processor. Also, as
neuroscientists emphasize, the conscious mind provides 5% or less of
the cognitive activity during the day. Ninety-five to ninety-nine
percent of our behavior is directly derived from the subconscious.
Hence the use of the word ‘power’ in the concept of will power, it
takes significant effort for the conscious mind to keep tabs on the
subconscious behavior. Positive thinking is primarily effective if
the subconscious supports the conscious intention.
Reprogramming The Subconscious The problem with trying to reprogram
the subconscious is that we fail to realize it is playing behavioral
‘tapes.’ To understand why conscious awareness does not readily
change subconscious programs, consider this instructive analogy: I
provide you with a cassette tape and you put it into your player and
push the play button. As the tape plays the program, you realize that
you do not like it. So, you yell at the tape player to change the
program, you ask it to play something different. After awhile of not
getting a response, you yell louder and get angrier at the tape
player because of the lack of a response to your request.
Then when it seems hopeless, you beseech God to help you change the
program. The point is simple, no matter how much you yell at the tape
player it will not change the program. To change a tape, you have to
push the record button and then rerecord the program incorporating
the desired changes.
These beliefs–true or false, positive or negative, creative or
destructive–exist not simply in our minds; they may affect the cells
of our bodies. He also shows how even our most firmly held beliefs
can be changed, which means that we have the power to reshape our lives.
More Information on the author’s
Dr. Lipton believes that this emerging model of cell biology will
have as great an effect on our scientific paradigm as the emergence
of quantum theory had on physics. The fact that energy impacts cells
as profoundly as physical molecules provides a scientific explanation
for the efficacy of conventional medicine, alternative therapies, and
spiritual healing.