Hypnosis for Cancer Patients Study
A study in Scotland regarding hypnosis in helping cancer patients to relax is below:
ELEANOR COWIE April 24 2006 from The Herald.co
PATIENTS at a Scots hospital are being hypnotised as part of a scheme to help cancer sufferers to relax.
Clinical hypnotherapy, which earlier this month was used instead of anaesthetic during a hernia operation broadcast live on television, is being offered in the blood cancer ward at Gartnavel General Hospital in Glasgow.
The pilot project began in October but is expected to continue indefinitely.
Reiki, a Japanese technique for stress reduction, and massage are also being offered at the 18-bed ward.
Dr Ted Fitzsimmons, head of oncology at Gartnavel, praised the scheme. He said: "Everyone working on the ward has told us (consultants) that the patients are much calmer and more relaxed as a result of the treatments. If it works for them and the nurses are pleased with it, then I am happy."
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